Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Drew Carey in Second Life

Well apparently, Drew Carey is somewhere in SL. Anyone recognize the shower?
Click photo to enlarge

Drew Carey in the shower in Second Life
Drew Carey in the shower in Second Life

Saturday, November 3, 2012

What do you want in a virtual relationship?

There are many people looking for long-term relationships in SL. And as many who are so convinced that they'll never find it, that they've sworn off any kind of relationship.

Well recently, I tripped across this article about relationships in Second Life. 

In it, Second Lifer Canary Beck writes about what she expects out of a virtual relationship.

She lists intimacy, love, sex, support, and honesty, and explains how she thinks each should play out in a virtual world.

She's writing from the point of a woman, but I think most of it applies to gay relationships, too, especially when she writes things like:

"If you can’t deal with my work or my ambitions, then don’t bother. If I didn’t want to do what I’m doing, I would have stopped it already."


"Please answer your IM while you’re online – I don’t expect you to answer immediately – within 5 minutes is ok. If you don’t answer and go offline, and I don’t get an email within a reasonable amount of time, yes, I’ll get pissed off."

Sounds like things that apply to all relationships in SL, hmmmm? Have a gander:

The 5 Things I Want in a Virtual Relationship

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Help tip for customers: What to do about mats that have multiple .POSITIONS cards in them

Some of our mats have multiple position notecards in them. When attempting to adjust the poses and save the positions, you may either (a) run out of memory, or (b) get warnings about duplicate poses.

It's because of the multiple position notecards. We've now made a new addition to our help that will solve any such problems. The new help addition appears below between
******** lines.

-Getting positions just right can be a lot of work. And what a nuisance to lose them and have to do them all over again owing to some SL weirdness! That's where the .POSITIONS notecard comes in --- you can backup in them the memory of the positioning you saved
- To do this, go into the Options menu, and click the "Memory Dump" button.
- The memory of the positions will be "chatted (i.e. printed) out to your screen"
- You will get lines that look like this:
[23:11]  {default} <-1.964,0.054,0.293> <124.4,79.8,67.0> <0.700,0.000,0.700> <0.0,0.0,-180.0>
- Go into chat history (the history button at the bottom of your screen, highlight all the position info, and go Control-C to copy it (Apple-C on a Mac).
-Right-click over the Animated mat, choose edit, click on the MORE button if the bottom of the edit info box isn't showing, then click on the Objects tab. Location the .POSITIONS notecard. Right-click over it and choose open.
- Delete out everything that is in there, and paste in what you just copied. Don't leave any blank lines. Save and close the notecard. You now have a safe backup of all your positions.


NOTE: Delete all other .POSITIONS.* notecards in the MLPV2 prim's inventory.  All the positions will now be amalgamated in the main .POSITIONS notecard. Leaving other .POSITIONS.* notecards in there, past this point, may cause memory crashes and warnings of duplicate positions, etc.

- Note: when can positions be lost out of memory? Positions stay in memory even after the Animated mat is shut down, restarted, taken back into inventory or moved about and placed somewhere else. They only get lost if the memory gets too full (by adding other positions or menu items) causing it to crash, or if the memory gets reset back to blank by resetting scripts.
- Note: so if the memory gets blanked out, how does the .POSITIONS notecard help? If the memory is blank, the Animated mat will read positions instead from the .POSITIONS notecard.

Help tip for customers: How to adjust positions for poses that are in scenes.

In a menu such as this, change HIDDEN to ALL, then go Advanced, Menu Reset.

POSE Lay-BJ-1-BB | Lay-BJ-1-F | Lay-BJ-1-M
POSE Lay-BJ-2-BB | Lay-BJ-2-F | Lay-BJ-2-M
POSE Lay-BJ-W | Lay-BJ-1-FW | Lay-BJ-1-MW
POSE Lay-BJ-1 | Lay-BJ-1-F | Lay-BJ-1-M
POSE Lay-BJ-2 | Lay-BJ-2-F | Lay-BJ-2-M
POSE MakeOutSeq-1|MO-S1-B|MO-S1-T
POSE MakeOutSeq-2|MO2-B|MO2-T
POSE MakeOutSeq-3|MO-B|MO-T
POSE MakeOutSeq-4|MO-S2-B|MO-S2-T

After you have done that, the individual poses will be visible in the menu. When you're done, change ALL back to HIDDEN (if you wish.)

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Lincoln Garnet

There's an increasingly famous photographer in Second Life named Lincoln Garnet (click his name for his photostream.)

Back in January, I got an IM from him asking if he could do a photoshoot of Kip and me. I had a few other customer IM windows open at the time, so I spent the first 5 minutes or so with him trying to help him figure out who he was really after, because at first I was sure he had the wrong window! LOL. But sure enough he was after us. Kip and I were, OMG.

Lincoln is amazing with poses, and in bringing passion to life with photos.

Here's the resultant photoset; it's on Flickr so you may have to log in to see it.

(April 2012: Oops sorry the link got deleted, so you won't be able to see his great work any longer!)

Chaz Longstaff & Kip Ashbourne – All in the Ball

Interview for Gay Worlds News: Click here to view

When your main mission in Second Life is to create products that help other avatars give each other pleasurable & memorable experiences, it takes a special type of composure to do so with a solemn face.  I trust your understanding of the massive undertaking it becomes to make the idea their reality will help you appreciate every click and every motion you put your avatar into during your most intimate moments.  Today, I bring you Chaz Longstaff & Kip Ashbourne, makers of the famous Blue Balls line of animated products in Second Life.

Click here to read the interview

Chaz and Kip
Chaz and Kip Interview 2012

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Welcome to Blue Balls!

2012 marks our 5th year in business servicing the gay community in Second Life.

So far, 2012 has been for us a great year of interacting with great customers; we hope it has started out as a good year for you as well!

One of our new ventures this year will be this periodic blog, designed to help us with communicate more with you.

Why a Blog? What do you plan to do here ?
  • It is our hope to keep all our customers informed about what we are up to!
  • We will be posting info here about all our new, and past products.
  • Specials for our Blog/Group members.
  • Contests with some amazing prizes!
  • & anything else our demented minds can come up with :)

Hit that Follow button & stay tuned!

Like us on Facebook, Plus us on G+ if you would be so kind!

Blue Balls will not be held responsible for any wedding cost incurred from the use of our products!

Thanks for stopping by!
See you around the Grid!
Chaz & Kip